
I have been fascinated by mathematics and logic since I was a child. Like many others, I later discovered software development and quickly fell in love with it.

Nevertheless, a few more years passed before I really realized that software can overcome real boundaries. With just a few lines of code, physical objects such as robots can be moved in the real world.

Once I realized this, I focused on mechatronics - the intersection of software, mechanics and electronics - at school and later during my studies. My focus shifted more and more towards software ( „Software is eating the world“).

All of this formed my technical foundation. The foundation for my entrepreneurship, on the other hand, was laid at an early age, because from a young age I knew no other way: my father was and has been a 100% entrepreneur for as long as I can remember. So the idea of building something and being passionate about it was always there for me.

Fortunately, the opportunity arose in 2021 to start AutoLab as part of the family business group and build up the special machine construction business from scratch. Over the past four years, we have developed everything ourselves - from the design and electrical planning to the entire machine software. We are now a fully-fledged provider of automation solutions and complete testing machines in the fields of robotics, PLC programming and image processing, including AI.

At the beginning of 2021, I was primarily thinking about the numerous technical challenges that needed to be overcome in order to lay the right foundations in all these areas. What I now know, however, is that the biggest challenge by far is forming a strong team.

„All a company is, is a group of people that are gathered together to create a product or service. So depending upon how talented and hardworking that group is, and the degree to which they’re focused cohesively in a good direction, that will determine the success of the company.“

If we look at all the progress we have made in just a few years, we can confidently say that we have managed to build a great team. I'm proud to work together with such great colleagues and bring the latest technologies directly into production.

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