Thomas Benninger

Thomas Benninger is Managing Director and Technical Director of AutoLab-Next Automation GmbH in Graz. With his enthusiasm for automation and technology, he drives innovative solutions that will shape the industry of tomorrow.

He is also engaged in research at Graz University of Technology, where he is involved in the DigiThy project on the development of automated dosage prescriptions for the treatment of Graves' disease. A disease that affects 3% of all women and 0.5% of all men in the course of their lives.

How does this all fit together? In one area, the latest research findings, such as AI networks, are integrated directly into production, while in the other, new insights are gained in order to transfer modern technologies into everyday medical practice. Both fields are considered challenging, as established structures offer little room for innovation. Breaking up these old patterns is the key to promoting and driving innovation.

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